by anakpadang
Excel Formulas free application included detailed Detailed basics of Excel, it is important for you...
Excel Formulas free application included detailed Detailed basics of Excel, it is important for you to learn MS Office especially excel anywhere .It will also include learning basic word, functions and concepts needed in day to day. Important formulas excel assist you in improving your data analysis skills using MS Office Excel everyday. Topics covered are:detailed excel formula :Count cells between datesCount cells between two numbersCount cells equal toCount cells equal to case sensitiveCount cells equal to either x or yCount cells equal to one of many thingsCount cells greater thanCount cells less thanCount cells not equal toCount cells not equal to many thingsCount cells not equal to x or yCount cells that are blankCount cells that are not blankCount cells that begin withCount cells that contain either x or yCount cells that contain errorsCount cells that contain five charactersCount cells that contain negative numbersCount cells that contain numbersCount cells that contain odd numbersCount cells that contain positive numbersCount cells that contain specific textCount cells that contain textCount cells that do not containCount cells that do not contain errorsCount cells that end withCount if row meets internal criteriaCount if row meets multiple internal criteriaCount if two criteria matchCount items in listCount long numbers without COUNTIFCount matches between two columnsCount multiple criteria with NOT logicCount numbers that begin withCount occurrences in entire workbookCount rows with multiple OR criteriaCount sold and remainingCount total matches in two rangesCount unique numeric values in a rangeCount unique numeric values with criteriaCount unique text values in a rangeCount unique text values with criteriaCount unique values in a range with COUNTIFCount visible rows in a filtered listCount visible rows only with criteriaCountif by weekdayCOUNTIFS with multiple criteria and OR logicGroup numbers into ranges with COUNTIFSRunning count of occurrence in listSummary count by month with COUNTIFSSummary count of non-blank categoriesSummary count with COUNTIFSummary count with percentage breakdownTwo-way summary count with COUNTIFS3D sum multiple worksheets3D SUMIF for multiple worksheetsSUMPRODUCTSUMIFINDIRECTCalculate running totalSubtotal by colorSubtotal invoices by ageSum bottom n valuesSUMPRODUCTSMALLSUMROWINDIRECTSum by groupSum by monthSum by weekSum by weekdaySum columns based on adjacent criteriaSum entire columnSum every nth columnSum if begins withSum if betweenSum if by yearSum if cell contains text in another cellSum if cells are equal toSum if cells are not equal toSum if cells contain an asteriskSum if cells contain both x and ySum if cells contain either x or ySum if cells contain specific textSum if date is betweenSum if date is greater thanSum if ends withSum if equal to either x or ySum if equal to one of many thingsSum if greater thanSum if less thanSum if multiple criteriaSum if not blankSum if one criteria multiple columnsSum last n columnsSum top n valuesSum visible rows in a filtered listSUMIFS with multiple criteria and OR logicAverageAverage by monthAVERAGEIFSEOMONTHAverage last 5 valuesAverage numbersAVERAGEAverage numbers ignore zeroAVERAGEIFAverage response time per monthAverage top 3 scoresWeighted averageMin and MaxLarge with criteriaLarger of two valuesMaximum if multiple criteriaMaximum valueMaximum value ifMinimum if multiple criteriaMinimum valueMINMinimum value ifIt is free and a full tutorial for Excel Formulas in detail. By the time you complete the course you will be an expert.This app lets you learn not only by the application of written material but we have lots of pictures to make sure you understand everything.Thank you ..........